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Essay on college education

Essay on college education

essay on college education

20/01/ · FAQ’s on Importance of College Education Essay Question 1. Why is college important? Answer: College provides more job opportunities for talented and hardworking 12/01/ · Argumentative Essay “Americans with a four-year degree made 98 percent more an hour on average in than people without a degree.” (Leonhardt). A college education is Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death.

College Education: Arguments For and Against | Free Essay Example

A college education is important, yet its cost has become an issue. Some feel that the cost is too high, and the returns very low, essay on college education. Many people from parents, students, the press, and the public have all voiced their concern over the cost of a college education. Due to the high cost charged in tuition, room, as well as board prices college, has become out of reach to many people. Many people wonder if college is worth it. More and more young people are enrolling in college in the twenty-first century in spite of the high cost. This has led many people to seek higher education in the twenty-first century.

A college education is worthwhile because it has become a trend in society today. In addition, courses in technology-intensive areas such as information technology, medicine, engineering, and others cost more, but students who enroll in them are more likely to get a job because of the high demand for knowledge in those areas. Therefore, students get jobs, and the jobs essay on college education well paying; thus, their living standards improve. There is a demand for people with higher education in the job market. People with a college degree earn more than those without, essay on college education. Therefore, a college degree is worthwhile because it enables one to earn a higher income.

A report published by the Institute for Higher Education Policy showed that college graduates enjoy higher savings levels, have increased professional as well as personal mobility. They are able to provide a higher quality of life to their offspring. College graduates are also able to make better consumer decisions and enjoy more leisure and hobbies activities IHEP 1. College learning equips an individual with paramount reasoning, communication, reflection, and tolerance skills. Therefore, one is able to lead a satisfying life, depending on how they learn to resolve crises and conflicts. It is important to note that these skills can be learned without attending college, but the college environment enhances their development.

This happens because they get a chance to meet new people and make friends in colleges. Colleges comprise of people from different backgrounds and countries. This gives them a chance to share information with other people and hence learn about different cultures. Through these interactions, the college students get a essay on college education to network- that is, sharing of information. Many college students have been able to secure jobs through the contacts they made in college. Apart from the monetary gains, college students have non-monetary gains, as shown by a report published by Carnegie Foundation. They have the tendency to be more open-minded, more consistent, and more rational; they also become less authoritarian.

Due to these qualities that they acquire, they tend to have more fulfilling relationships as well as careers. Moreover, they pass these qualities on their offspring. Parents who have completed higher education are able to provide and maintain good health status for their children, and there is a lower mortality rate among their children in any give given brackets Lougheed College education leads to social benefits. The majority of the research conducted has revealed that there exists a strong essay on college education between economic growth, cultural values, and family. This raises the IQ of the children.

The mothers are aware of the benefits of a college education and therefore invest more in education for their children. Children from such advantaged backgrounds have an opportunity to get a higher education because their parents understand the value of advanced education. College education leads to public benefits. People who attend college pay more taxes; thus, the government is able to collect more revenues. The revenues are, in turn, used to finance government expenditure. College graduates have increased workplace productivity hence higher outputs. In addition, due to their higher earnings, college graduates have increased consumption. Thus, they contribute to economic growth. They also reduce reliance on the government for support.

The government can, therefore, use the money it would have used on them to do other things. Conversely, essay on college education, there are people who feel that the cost of a college education is too high and thus a waste of time and money due to low returns. This leads essay on college education a waste of money spent on such students by their parents and the state because they do not learn. To them, college is a social place to meet friends and have no time for classwork. Most such students end up dropping out of college anyway.

Therefore, the money invested in these institutions of learning is wasted when not used in the right way. The cost of a college education is very high, and the high cost makes colleges inaccessible to many students, essay on college education. The high cost of a college education has led universities to develop packages to attract students and keep their finances solvent. There is a debate about the quality of education offered in some colleges, essay on college education. Many feel that education has been reduced to and become like products to be sold in a market.

The packages developed are commercially built and promise students a wonderful life during their study while focusing less on the curriculum. Thus, a question arises about the quality of college degrees. The other argument against college education is the high numbers of unemployed college graduates. Doing a translation from college to employment is difficult these days. This has led to high levels of unemployment among college graduates. In conclusion, there is no doubt that the cost of a college education is high and continues to rise, and this is problematic, essay on college education, especially to students who fall under the lowest income brackets. This becomes a financial burden; however, the long-term benefits to an individual and the society are numerous and far outweigh the high cost.

Parents and the state should put more effort into essay on college education a college education. The parents essay on college education encourage their children to acquire higher education because, in the world of today, many jobs available require some form of post-high school education. The government, on the other hand, should increase funding to colleges to make the tuition fee affordable to students from low-income levels. On the other hand, the value of college education cannot be underestimated because it leads to financial rewards. Moreover, it is easier to change careers with a essay on college education education. For sure, essay on college education, college education has value and is worth the time and money of a student.

Becker, Gary Stanley. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. Chicago: university of Chicago press, Cohn, Elchana and Geske, G Terry, essay on college education. The Economics of Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, essay on college education Duderstadt, J James. A university for the 21st century. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, ISBN, Institute for higher education Policy IHEP. Reaping the Benefits. IHEP, 8 Apr. Lougheed, Lin. McMahon, W Walter. Urbana, IL: Bureau of Economic And Business Research, University of Illinois. Mincer, Jacob. The Distribution of Labor Incomes: A Survey in J Mincer edessay on college education, Studies in Human Capital: collected essays of Jacob Minces. Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar, Smart, C John.

Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. New York: Springer, College Education: Arguments For and Against. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. StudyCorgi Education. Learn more. On-Time Delivery! Use discount. Continuing Nursing Education: A Year Plan.

The Role of Textbooks in Education. Cite this paper Select style. Select citation styles APA-6 APA-7 MLA-9 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference StudyCorgi.

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Purpose Of College Education Essay Example ( Words) -

essay on college education

20/01/ · FAQ’s on Importance of College Education Essay Question 1. Why is college important? Answer: College provides more job opportunities for talented and hardworking Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. 28/08/ · Education teaches a person a sense of self-worth and life satisfaction and lives life joyfully. Education helps us to get what we want to achieve in life. The social skills that we

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