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Wisdom essay

Wisdom essay

wisdom essay

Wisdom Essays Wisdom in Proverbs – Fear of the Lord. Proverbs is in a section of the Bible known at “Wisdom Literature. The focus The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie. If you are Essay. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the word wisdom as “the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, Wisdom is the best use of knowledge; it is pure reason and a virtue such as courage or justice. It is utilizing that knowledge to make smart decisions. It is being able to make the right choices

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Contents Essay on Wisdom Essay on Relationship Between Wisdom and Knowledge Essay on Wisdom is Power Essay on True Wisdom Come from Experience. Wisdom is one of the highest forms of human characteristics. Through wisdom, virtues can be brought to life. The beauty of wisdom is wisdom essay it is not wisdom essay on the theories that are written in books, or the curriculum in the schools and colleges, wisdom essay. It is not something that can be transferred just by talking about it.

Wisdom is how life shapes us. It is about the impacts that we have upon our soul while going through all sorts of pleasant and unpleasant experiences of life. Many philosophers, religious institutions, and educationalists have defined wisdom in their own definite ways. Some wisdom essay to relate it to the right way of wisdom essay, some say that wisdom is acknowledging and being answerable to God for all the deeds. It has also been known to associate with decision-making between right and wrong, habits like speaking truth, following the moral values. Although, on a more spiritual note, or a generic note, wisdom essay, as we may say, wisdom is not confined to some rules or paths.

A collection of experiences and virtues shape our wisdom. There are so many beautiful illustrations reflecting light on the uniqueness and significance of wisdom. It is very simple and possible for almost anybody to learn to fire a gun. But not everybody is capable of making the right decision about when to and when not to fire the gun. This decision-making requires wisdom. But why so much fuss about wisdom? How does it make our life different or change it? Well, wisdom takes wisdom essay above the loop of feelings, emotions, wisdom essay, and the whirlpools of envy, restlessness, and anger.

It brings peace to the heart and to the mind as well. It is only through wisdom, that one may realize that forgiving others bad deeds, ignoring their faults, and being kind and accepting to all is the highest and truest virtues of all human beings. Wisdom is the germination of the seeds of empathy, compassion, and kindness. It is the eruption of unconditional love toward every soul, whether human beings, animals, or trees. Wisdom gives us the ability to see the beauty and real power of nature. In true words, this is the real way of being close to God. It is only through wisdom that one understands and realizes that religions, rules of worshipping, and confining God to being a particular person or version are nothing but just a human wisdom essay of interpretation of the power of nature.

The definition of God, the right path, the understanding of the whole universe changes to him. Wisdom gets us out of the chains of the societal norms and allows us to look past them. It shows us the real purpose of life and gifts us with the power to attain and live with that true purpose. Many of us may get confused when asked about the difference or relationship between wisdom and knowledge. On the surface level, both look similar, if not the same. But the thing is, wisdom is more abstract wisdom essay nature and knowledge is somewhat technical.

Knowledge comes from reading, exploring, learning, and educating oneself, wisdom essay. In order to increase the knowledge, one can turn toward reading more books or learning and specializing in a skill. In other words, it is measurable up to a certain extent. Wisdom is what life and its experiences teach us. Being wise is not the same as being intelligent. It is about much more than just the skills and mastery of a subject. In fact, wisdom is about human virtues, that makes us different from other animal species. These virtues are developing empathy, having compassion and kindness, becoming more self-aware of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. The difference between the two is very subtle.

However, if put into simpler words, it is not that difficult to understand either. One can gain knowledge and know what is right and wrong, wisdom essay, what is healthy and what is unhealthy, wisdom essay, how to perform a task, how to drive, how to cook. All these things can be learned and specialized in, wisdom essay. But, the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong, the capacity to choose the right and skip the wrong, comes from wisdom. In another way, the ability to use the learned knowledge in the best and most ethical way is called wisdom, wisdom essay. Knowing how to use the knowledge is wisdom. Knowledge can be given but wisdom cannot, wisdom essay.

Knowledge can be learned but wisdom can wisdom essay be attained. An example would be the best way to understand the concepts deeply, wisdom essay. So, for instance, wisdom essay, all kinds of thoughts, whether positive or negative, healthy or toxic, happy or sad come to our mind. We feel them and know that these feelings are a very natural part of human beings. This is knowledge. But understanding, observing, and staying aware and detached of these thoughts requires wisdom. Wisdom takes us to a much higher level and answers wisdom essay riddle of why we are feeling in a particular way and whether we should act on those feelings or not, wisdom essay.

That judgment call depends on our wisdom. There have been many philosophical, religious, and educational versions wisdom essay definitions of wisdom and knowledge. Nonetheless, all lead to the same conclusion. Everybody knows and has been taught about the right way of living but not wisdom essay can do it really. That is where a fine demarcation comes between knowledge and wisdom. To be able to apply the wisdom essay, to be able to think, and acknowledge why things are the way they are, makes us wise. Thus, it is only through wisdom essay that we begin to behave beyond the petty attributes like self-obsession, wisdom essay, jealousy, anger and instead, learn to grow as a human being filled with wisdom essay, empathy, acceptance, wisdom essay, and love for all, wisdom essay.

The human race has wondered and marveled for a long time for its distinguished ability to behave and think differently than other animal species. We have highly evolved wisdom essay, mental, and social etiquette. But is that the end of the list? Wisdom essay course not. There is something very peculiar about us which makes us stand out as a species, which transforms us from Homo Sapiens into human beings. And that is called wisdom. There is a reason why people do not find peace in spite of being surrounded by all kinds of materialistic pleasures. There is also a reason why many people living a highly comfortable and rich life, leave it just like that and set out to explore something that is still unknown to them, wisdom essay.

In India, such ways of life are not new to us. We have always been surrounded bys saints and celibates. The culture in India has long been enriching. It has always focused less on physical pleasures and more on the seeking nature within us. After a certain point, we all begin to realize that the worldly amusements can only satisfy us on a superficial level but cannot quench our soul. For our spiritual growth, something deeper is needed. All around us, we see the world burning with feelings of competition, unsparing greed, unforgiveness, jealousy, anger, and what not. And this is not the story of those who lack basic amenities to a dignified life. This is wisdom essay case of people who have everything in abundance but peace and gratitude. Wisdom takes us from this path of uncertainty and shallowness and brightens up with the light of truth.

And that same truth would liberate us. This is the power of wisdom. Wisdom is not restricted to listening to some discourses or following the religious rites and rituals. It is about realizing the darkness of greed, that the constant need for competing with each other is nothing but just a bottomless pit. A whirlpool of desires, wisdom essay. Through our experiences comes a realization that the peace of our mind is in our hands. This is the most empowering thing that can happen to us and no book can teach this to us. It is like reaching and activating the seeds and portals of consciousness which were dormant within us till now.

The whole phenomenon enriches us at a much deeper level and calms down the inside chaos. After which, we start to see the beauty in everything and learn to accept life the way it is. Our heart is filled with forgiveness and compassion. Wisdom frees us from the chains of a limited mind so that we do not remain the slaves of our own desires. Books can teach us what is just and what is unjust. But the power of standing and walking wisdom essay that just path is provided by our wisdom. This spiritual and emotional advancement wisdom essay irreplaceable and can only become possible through wisdom. They say that life changes you and shapes you like nothing else can. That there is a great difference between knowing something and living it.

Well, it is wisdom essay true in the case of wisdom. True wisdom comes only from experience.

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wisdom essay

Wisdom in my brief opinion means seeing things as they are, to see things in a profound way, and understand the situations that life bestows upon you. Therefore, know when to act and Wisdom Essays Wisdom in Proverbs – Fear of the Lord. Proverbs is in a section of the Bible known at “Wisdom Literature. The focus The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie. If you are Wisdom is the best use of knowledge; it is pure reason and a virtue such as courage or justice. It is utilizing that knowledge to make smart decisions. It is being able to make the right choices

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